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Profit From This Market Pattern!

by Sy Harding
On average the market's gains in just the first few days of each month account for almost half of the market's total gains for the year. In 2010 the S&P 500 gained a total of 142.5 points, or 12.8% for the year. Its gains for just the first three days of each month totaled 228.9 points, or 20.5%. More>>

Stock Trading Online - 6 Reasons It's Better

By Richard A Troy
A lot of money can be made from trading in the stock market. This is one of the reasons why a lot of people choose stocks over other investments. The internet has made stocks trading a lot more convenient. As long as you have an internet connection and a computer then you can trade stocks right from the comfort of your own home or any place you want to. Here are the top 6 reasons why you should do your stock trading online. More>>

Can Private Investors Compete With Algorithmic Trading?

By Markus A. Dieckmann
In the last ten years, the automated computer-based trading of securities, commonly known as algorithmic-trading or short algo-trading, has become more and more popular. Even today, three quarters of the trading volume in the US is generated by algorithmic trading. There is no way to avoid the conclusion that private investors can hardly compete with the superior technical strength of big financial companies. They can only try to exploit the weak points of algorithmic trading programs in order to be successful on the stock markets.  More>>

Investing In The World's Hottest Stock Markets: Make More Money Than Buffett?

By Nicholas Vardy
Goldman Sachs recently designated- Mexico, South Korea, Turkey and Indonesia as part of a new group of fast growth emerging markets. Investing in the newly-dubbed MIKTs may turn out to be as profitable an investing strategy as investing in the BRICs - Brazil, Russia, India, and China- was 10 years ago, which gained 625% in the 7 years through 2007. Invest in the MIKTs over the next 10 years and you may outperform Warren Buffett.  More>>

Does the Path to Trading Success Ever Change?

By Gary E Kerkow
By Is the path to trading success the same now as it was 100 years ago? Learn trading secrets that worked a century ago, and still work very well today.  More>>

Trading With Moving Averages: Find What You Must Know

By Mark Dearth
One of the cornerstones of Technical Analysis is applying moving averages to determine levels of support and resistance. Learn how trading with moving averages can easily transform your trading results. More>>

The Investing Philosophy Of Warren Buffet

By Jeremy Gard
Building a high growth portfolio of quality stock investments can be somewhat confusing when one considers all the different measures analysts use to determine the current and more importantly, future value of a company. In this article, and others that follow, I will cover a simple set of criteria that you can use to filter through all the stocks listed in the market to find the ones that have offer value for money and have good prospects for growth in the future.  More>>

Stock Selection Criteria For A High Growth Portfolio - Part 2

By Jeremy Gard

In the last article, we looked at the first of our criteria for successful stock selection for our high growth portfolio. In this article, we take a look at the second indicator - Revenue growth. More>>

Options Management - Snatch the Loot and Scoot

By Jay Leavitt, Ph.D.
Traders know that identifying a stock market top is virtually impossible -- barring from hindsight. Countless traders add to positions that are showing a profit. In contrast, I believe in 'Snatch the Loot and Scoot'. This short article will show you how to capture your options profits even if the Wall Street initially moves in your direction and then stubbornly retraces and reclaims some or all of your profits. More>>



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