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How to Make a Fortune in the Stock Market

By Micheal James Platinum Quality Author

This is something that many of you would give a fleeting glance at, and switch to something else. But, what you are doing wrong is thinking that the title is too good to be true. Those people, who think this way, will think it to be a quick way to make big bucks. Although this article is not going to show you so blatant and faulty a way, to make money, but it is going to tell you how you can extract maximum benefits from the stock market. The market, is a place that is based on principles, which when applied rightly, yield maximum benefits for you, and too in a considerably shorter period than anticipated.

Now, you may think that financial experts, stock brokers and others, who claim to be veterans in running the stock market, that something like that is not possible. This is your cue to get out at the right time, and try to manage your portfolio on your own. This article will attempt at enumerating the key point that you should keep in mind, to earn maximum profits in limited time.

1.Spread Your Horizons
There is no point limiting yourself to one industry. That only tends to confine your range and capacity to make profits. Now, the question arises, what if there is a loss? The answer to this is that you may lose or gain, which is probable in any case. However, your loss will be less than what you gain, when you do. So, if you do tend to invest in one industry, your actually tying yourself to a tree on a deserted island.

2.Invest More in Cheaper Stocks
This way, there is more scope of the price increasing, than what you may see in a price that is already at a high price. Also, the time taken to increase is also considerably lesser than one that a higher-priced
stock would take.

3.Lower Cap Stocks are The Way
Lower cap
stocks are those, which have a lesser share in the market, which allows the stocks to increase more and at a faster pace, than stocks that are in the category of blue-chips.

4.Flexibility is Key
It is better to shift rapidly from one trend of the stock market to another. This way, you can always choose the trend that is exhibiting profits, and keep the losing trends at bay. Also, you would be able to extract profits for maximum period in a year, since your tendency would be to shift from one profit-making trend to another.

5.Cut Your Losses When You Can
Losing trends come in occasionally and if you are an investor, who has invested in such stocks, the first thing you should do is start cutting your losses. You are not a wise investor, if you keep and hoping and waiting that a lousy picture would turn around soon. Instead, you should start looking somewhere else, and come back to the picture, when it has turned around.

6.Keep Your Bulls and Bears on Level
People have a tendency to play in a bull market, where you are sure to profit. Mean whereby, that once a bear market sinks in, the amateur bullish investor, sees losses. However, the right thing to do is be an aggressive trader in a bull market, and a low-pressure investor in a bear market, so as to make most of your profits and losses.

The above mentioned points, should start you off perfectly on a profitable investment in the stock market. Such, are the key principles that one should follow to succeed in the stock market.



About the Author:

SogoTrade is an online discount stock market brokerage firm based in New York City that deals in shares of stock and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF). Visit their website - online trading  Buy stocks online from $3 discount online trading broker - stocks

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Micheal_James




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